Welcome to Sweet Rock Farm Seeds!

Open-pollinated, heirloom, and unique vegetable and flower seeds. All grown on Gabriola Island. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Fast Shipping.

you are now entering the seedy side of town
— Sal

We’re a small-scale, farm-based seed company, located on Gabriola Island, BC.

We focus on growing top-quality seeds, which we sell at Seedy Saturdays in our region, in garden stores, and online. Our seed can also be found at the BC Ecoseed Coop, Wild Rose Garden Centre, The Market Garden in Victoria, Nature Spirit Earth Market, and at Salt Spring Seeds. All of the seed that we sell is grown by us on our farm. Some seed companies buy their seed in bulk from large corporate seed operations and resell it. We don’t. As well, none of our seed is treated, GMO, or patented. They are open-pollinated, and you are welcome to save the seed and grow it out on your own, should you choose.

For many years we sold fruits and vegetables at our local farmer’s market and at our roadside stand, as well as lamb, wool, and eggs. We now grow exclusively seed crops, and for our family. Currently, the animal contingent on the farm is 15 sheep, 10 or so hens, and two horses. Having animals is more work in some ways, but it helps us maintain the fertility required to run our farm without having to import a lot of compost or fertilizer.