January 5, 2020
Greetings and welcome to our new website! It has been a longtime in coming, and thanks to all of our friends who have been so patient with us, but here we are. There are some tweaks that need to happen, but they will get sorted in time.
Seed Catalogue
Our seed catalogue is up and running. More varieties will be added as we finish germination testing, and we will have many more varieties this fall. I haven’t figured out how to do bulk sales as yet, so if you are interested in buying a certain variety in bulk just email us and we will set you up if we can.
Roadside Stand
We are really excited about selling our goods through the roadside stand too. Here is how it will work: I will write a weekly blog post, either on a Sunday or Monday and send it out to our subscribers. (So sign up! Its easy.) I will be fairly brief about goings on around the farm, and I will say what is available at our stand. You can then purchase it online by clicking on “Roadside Stand” in the navigation bar by Wednesday evening at the latest, and we will bag it and have it ready for you by Thursday afternoon for you to pick up between 2 and 6pm. So easy for you, and good for us as well.
If you prefer, you can see what is available and just swing by at your leisure and pick up what you want when you want. The only downside to this is that we stock up the stand once in the morning, and if we run out of something, it is gone for the day. When you order online, you get it for sure.
The Farm
Things are quiet around here, as quiet as they get anyway. Our first plantings will be happening soon in the greenhouse, we have several ewes close to giving birth— they’re due at the end of the month. It has been quite warm and signs of Spring are here: The hazelnut trees are starting to shed pollen (crazy early for this!), our overwintered kale is starting to elongate and is getting ready to flower, in spirit if not quite in deed. I hope we don’t get a blast of winter, although it certainly is possible.