Splotchey with one of her lambs.
The Farm
Finally! The first of our ewes has given birth to twin lambs. Her name is Splotchey (Christened by the kids for the black and white “splotches” all over her.) All went well and she is regaining strength in one of our sheep barns. The lambs are several days old now, and just starting to get curious. They have lost the dazed aspect they have after being born, and allow us to pick them up or pet them. Now we only have seven more to go! Hopefully they all give birth as easily as Splotchey did.
Roadside Stand
Things are picking up at the stand because the chickens are starting to lay more, so most days there are eggs available. There are also three varieties of Ila’s soap available: Lemon-Lime, Orange Bergamot, and Rosemary-Lavender. For produce, we have Kale, collards, and now, nettles. Some people consider nettles a noxious weed, but we love them. And fortunately, we have thousands of them all over our property. It is a chore picking them, but I will try to have them every day at the stand for those who like them as well.
I have been packaging so many seeds these last couple of weeks. On the one hand I’m happy about it for obvious reasons— It means I’m doing well; but it is the least stimulating part of my work. I listen to music really loud, or to podcasts, to keep me going. This weekend will be a busy one. On Saturday we are at Sooke for Seedy Saturday, and in Nanaimo for Seedy Sunday. Saturday night is a birthday party for a friend, and Sunday is also a day for soccer for all three of the kids. At the moment we have no idea how we’re going to manage it, but we will. This is our busy season for sure.