Seedy Saturdays
It has been too long since my last blog post, but the seed season has really ramped up and we are a bit swamped. I’m not complaining, just saying… Yesterday we were at the Victoria Conference Center (at least Ila and Nisha were), and at the Gabriola Food Forum (Sal and Miko). Both events were big successes, we sold lots of seeds, and connected with lots of seedy people. We have a bit of a break now until February 29th, and then we will be at the Sooke Seedy Sunday. That will be fun!
Roadside Stand
We are still selling eggs, kale, and collards at the stand most days. If you want eggs come early as they go pretty fast. The hens aren’t laying too many yet so there isn’t usually more than a dozen out at any given time. The nettles are springing up fast and soon we should have bags out at the stand. Our farm has been blessed with nettles; we have thousands of them all around the farm.
Ila has restocked the stand with her soaps (right now there is Lemon-Lime, Orange Bergamot, and Rosemary-Lavender) and her Deodorant. Someone left a message the other day saying they were running out of deodorant and needed more or they were going to start to smell soon! True. Well, rest easy. They are back, and we will do our best to keep them stocked up.
The Farm
The ewes still haven’t started birthing yet and its hard to be patient, but I have to remember that they birth lambs when they are ready, not when I am. The rhubarb is is popping up, slowly but inevitably, like a high tide. I love when they are in full leaf in late spring. They look almost prehistoric with their huge leaves.
There are so many trays of seedlings started and hardening off outside or growing inside under light, waiting for a bit more warmth before we put them outside. If you are wondering about starting seeds, now is a good time to start spinach, lettuce, chard, onions, and leeks inside in pots before setting them outside. If you have indoor lights, you can start tomatoes and peppers too.
Until next time, farm on!